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Myopia Management

Is your child short-sighted?
Is your child's myopia worsening?

Offer your child a bright future with myopia management.

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Nearsightedness: Not Just An Inconvenience

Although eyeglassesand standard contact lenses can correct a person’s vision, they do not treat the underlying cause of myopia or slow its progression.

Myopia significantly increases the risk of developing sight-threatening eye diseases later in life, such as cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachment and macular degeneration. The higher your child’s myopia, the greater the risk.

If you’re concerned about your child’s long-term eye health and vision, contact Dolman Myopia Control Centre in Kitchener & Waterloo region today.

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What is Myopia Management?

Myopia management is an area of eye care that uses custom treatments to prevent or slow your child's myopia progression. Depending upon your child's specific needs, our eye care team in Kitchener & Waterloo region can help your child maintain clearer vision for longer.

We slow the progression of nearsightedness by using the following treatment methods:

MiSight Contact Lenses Thumbnail.jpg
Safe Way to Sleep in Contact Lenses Thumbnails.jpg
MiyoSmart for Myopia Management Thumbnail.jpg


Myopia Management Reviews

father holding two kids

Symptoms of Myopia

  • Your child struggles to see things clearly at a distance
  • Difficulties seeing the board in class
  • Your child squints to see far away objects
  • They complain of headaches and eyestrain
  • Difficulties with sports that involve small balls, such as baseball or tennis
kid with frustrated in classroom

Myopia and Eye Diseases

As your child’s myopia progresses and worsens, they heighten their risk of developing vision-threatening eye diseases later in life.

In fact, their odds of developing vision loss due to glaucoma, macular degeneration or retinal disease increase by as much as 10x!

Myopia Treatment

The good news? Myopia management and regular eye exams with our optometry team can help your child regain clear vision, and slow down or even stop their vision from worsening.

girl writing ABCs with her mom

Our Myopia Management Team

Dr. Howard Dolman

Dr. Howard Dolman

Howard graduated from the University of Waterloo, School of Optometry, in 1990 and was honoured with the Award of Merit from the Canadian Association of Optometrists.     Howard is originally from Toronto, and has been practising in New Hamburg since 1991. Howard and Kim Dolman purchased the clinic in...

Myopia increases the risk of serious eye diseases

Myopia can significantly increase your risk of developing potentially sight-threatening eye conditions in the future. But how much does your risk grow, exactly?

Research shows that the worse your myopia is, the higher your risk. For example, your risk of developing myopic maculopathy, an especially severe form of macular degeneration, is 2.2x higher if your prescription is -2.00, and jumps to 9.7x at -4.00, 40.6x higher at -6.00, and is a whopping 126.8x higher at a prescription of -8.00.

This is why it’s so essential to stop myopia progression in its tracks with myopia management.

FAQ | Understanding Myopia Management

When does myopia (nearsightedness) usually begin?

Myopia tends to begin in school-aged children, and usually continues to progress until a person reaches roughly the age of 20. The longer it progresses, and the worse it gets, the higher your child's risk of potentially sight-threatening eye conditions later in life.

Is there an ideal age for myopia management?

It is recommended to start myopia management as soon as possible, with best results found in children who started before the age of 9. However, myopia control can help children and teens of all ages.

Why is myopia management important?

As the myopic eye elongates, it stretches the retina, the light-sensitive layer lining the back of the eye. Excessive stretching makes the eye more prone to tears, inflammation, the formation of new, weak blood vessels and scarring. This raises the risk of cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachment, and myopic maculopathy. Safeguard your child's vision with myopia management.

Protect your child’s long-term vision and eye health. Contact our Kitchener & Waterloo region optometry team regarding myopia management at Dolman Eyecare Centre today!

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