Our Eye Care Practice in Kitchener, ON

With an office in Kitchener, ON eye doctors at KW NeuroVision provides excellent Vision Therapy services.
Call us to make an appointment with our optometrist to talk about your vision therapy consultation.
Visit our Vision Therapy Centre
If you or your child is struggling to perform daily activities such as reading, learning and playing sports then it may be time for a vision therapy assessment. Vision therapy can be classified as a type of physical therapy for the eyes and brain. It is a highly effective non-surgical treatment for many common visual problems including lazy eye, crossed eyes, double vision, convergence insufficiency, and some reading and learning disabilities.
Vision therapy is a doctor-administered tailored program of visual activities intended to correct certain forms of vision problems and/or improve visual skills.
Many patients in the Kitchener Waterloo area who have been told, “it’s too late,” or “you’ll have to learn to live with it” have benefited from our vision therapy program at KW Neurovision.
Your vision is our number one priority. Call us at this number 226-240-2690 to schedule an appointment today.
Was your child diagnosed with either ADD/ADHD, dyslexia or learning disabilities?
Stop!!! It may be a misdiagnosis.
Your child may be suffering from a learning-related visual deficiency. This directly impacts how we learn, read, or process information. Because difficulties with reading and learning affect a child’s ability to focus, vision-related learning problems are often misdiagnosed as ADHD/ADD or other behavioral issues. Incorrectly diagnosing and labeling a child as having a learning disability can have many harmful consequences that could last for years, even through to adulthood.
Even if your child had a basic eye exam and has 20/20 vision a vision problem may still exist. If your child has difficulty reading, performs poorly in the classroom, has trouble maintaining focus and has subpar hand-eye coordination, schedule a comprehensive eye exam with our optometrist who specializes in binocular vision, vision therapy and/or vision development. Numerous studies have demonstrated that vision therapy can correct vision problems that interfere with efficient reading among schoolchildren.
There is no age limit to vision therapy.
If you grew up with a vision problem, you don’t grow out of it. A child with a lazy eye will still have the problem years later if it is left untreated. While children will generally look to circumvent tasks made difficult by a vision problem (e.g., reading), you as an adult will often find a way to compensate. You probably have figured out a way to complete obligatory strenuous visual tasks, even if they’re very hard for you to do. Sitting in front of a computer all day or dealing with paperwork can be incredibly stressful and exhausting if you have a vision problem. There’s no reason to live with untreated conditions when vision therapy is readily available for you.
The unique thing about our brains is how dynamic and flexible they are. Just like training a muscle or playing a musical instrument, the more we practice and refine our aptitude and memory, the better we become. As long as you are motivated to make the treatment plan a success we can successfully treat your vision disorder.
Take your game to the next level
Is your teenager trying to land that sports scholarship towards playing collegiate ball? Any competitive athlete knows the opportunity for improvement lurks in every catch, pass, hit and save. It is so easy to underestimate the complexities posed to our visual system when trying to hit an 85-90 mph fastball or turning aside a fast incoming puck. Despite excellent coaching, practice, and knowledge of the game, sports performance can be below potential with an inept visual system. Even 20/20 eyesight and decent eye-hand coordination are not enough to maintain consistent superior athletic performance during practice or “peak” performances. Sports vision training at KW Neurovision uses the principles of Vision Therapy in research-backed therapy that improves sports performance through improving skills such as:
- Better hand-eye coordination
- Improved depth perception and estimation
- Faster reaction times
- Vision and balance
- Precise eye movement and tracking
Is Sports Vision Therapy only for high-level athletes?
Of course not! Our sports vision training uses a combined approach of dynamic exercises to maximize the cognitive, visual-motor and sensory system. Although it was initially developed for sports professionals and elite athletes the procedures are constantly being updated. This means athletes of all kinds, active people in general, the elderly and the youth can benefit from sports vision therapy.
Recover from a Concussion Using Vision Therapy
If you’ve ever had a concussion or any sort of traumatic brain injury it is common to develop problems associated with vision as a result. Our leading neuro optometrist can help you recover from a concussion or traumatic brain injury with a specialized vision therapy program. In fact, patients typically gain more from neuro-developmental vision therapy than they do from other therapies, such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, or cognitive therapy, etc.
Why KW Neurovision is your best choice for Vision Therapy in the Kitchener and Waterloo area
- Our team of child-friendly vision therapists will make sure you or your child receive the most professional care no matter the visual disorder.
- We treat numerous medical conditions associated with vision therapy including lazy eye, crossed eyes, and double vision using the best techniques.
- Whether you are seeking vision therapy to improve your hand-eye coordination or to recover from an injury such as a concussion we will create a tailor-made program that will suit your needs.